What is your return policy?
      You can submit your return request within a few days of your order date. Simply submit a request via our Returns Portal. We will reach out to you with the next steps once your return is approved. All returns are accepted at the discretion of the company. Any products found to be damaged outside of manufacturing defects will be returned to the customer and will not be refunded.
      Read and agree: By submitting a return, you agree that you have read our entire return policy.
I want to return all or part of my order. How does it work?
      Start by submitting your return request via our Returns Portal. You will need to have your order number and the email address, phone number, or zip code used to place the order ready. You’ll then be prompted to select which item(s) you wish to return and the reason.
Once I request a return, how long do I have to send it back?
      Once we approve your return request, returns need to be postmarked within a period of time to ensure it arrives back to us in time to process and finalize your return. If you will not be able to return it within a period of time of submitting your request, please reach out to your Customer Care agent to discuss other options. We cannot guarantee a full refund if you are unable to return your item(s) within a period of time of submitting your return request.